FreshRSS supports scraping a site using XPath to generate new items for a feed. GoComics does not provide an RSS feed for comics to use but it is possible to use XPath on a comic’s page to get each day’s comic.

Set the feed URL to the comic’s page (e.g. for F Minus).

Under “Type of feed source”, set these options:

  • Type of feed source: HTML + XPath (Web scraping)
  • finding news items:
    //div[contains(@class, "gc-deck--cta-0")]//picture[contains(@class, "gc-card__image")]
  • item title:
  • item content:
  • item link (URL):
  • item thumbnail:
  • item author:
    "F Minus"
  • Custom date/time format:

This is enough to regularly check the GoComics page and fetch each day’s comic. The title won’t reflect the date and instead be urn:sha1:<sha1 hash>. I haven’t figured out why that is but I also don’t care enough to fix it.